Frequently Asked Questions!

Hello everyone! So today, Amira and I will answer all of your frequently asked questions. We mostly see these questions on Instagram, our and here on the blog. We will be answering everything so here they are!

Q: How and where did you make your blog layout?
A: Our older sister made it for us :)

Q: Do you use drugstore makeup?
A: Yes, we do. :)

Q: Where did you get your CĂ©lines?
A: They were a gift from our parents :)

Q: What font did you use for your logo?
A: We mixed up all kinds of fonts, so it's basically customized. :)

Q: Where do you mostly buy your clothes?
A: We buy our clothes wherever, but the main stores are Forever 21, TOPSHOP :)

Q: What camera do you use?
A: We use 2 cameras, but mostly NIKON D60 and NIKON D200 :)

Q: Where did you buy your Maybelline mascara?
A: Chedelyn Cosmetics :)

Q: Have you studied in a fashion school?
A: Haha nope! But we wish we did <3

Q: Do you guys go to bazaars? 
A: Yes we do! We always attend the 'SuperSale Bazaar' :)

Q: How old are you and what grade are you twins?
A: We are 12 and we are grade 6 :)

So that's it for the day! Ask as questions on our 'Ask Us Anything.' Tab and ask away. You can also ask us through our Instagrams.

Should we do more of these? <3


The Vallerys. 


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